
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
What a pleasure to introduce you to my friend and colleague for over 40 years, JOHN THIRKELL. Here comes TRUMPET WOW!!!
Why ‘wow’?
Pop: Bruno Mars, David Bowie, George Michael, Pet Shop Boys, Jamiroquoi, Swing Out Sister, Tina Turner, Clapton, Bon Jovi, Phill Collins… Jazz: Ray Charles, Buddy Rich, Phil Collins, “Through the 1980s and early 1990s he was on at least one album in the UK Charts continuously, without a break, for over 13 years. In 2009 he had two consecutive UK No.1 singles (Pixie Lott) was the first person to be inducted into the Musician's Union "Hall of Fame." In 2020 he scored his 25th No.1 (BTS)”
And at the end, we play a beautiful version of “Secret Love” (Fain Webster) ©Alfred Music Publishing
This is killer stuff and you only get this with Radio Richard.
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#johnthirkell #richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #trumpeter #pop #brunomars #davidbowie #georgemichael #petshopboys #jamiroquai #swingoutsister #tinaturner #ericclapton #bonjovi #philcollins #rayrcharles #buddyrich #jazz #arranger #interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©2021 Niles Smiles Music sung by Free Play Duo.

Saturday May 08, 2021
JIMMIE HASKELL Interview - Part 2
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
I’ve never met anyone who I instantly liked as much as Jimmie Haskell. You can tell from the way we’re joking around in this 2002 interview that there was an instant rapport. In my book, “The Invisible Artist” I refer to his “gentle, understated sense of humor”. I ‘got’ him and he liked that I ‘got’ him. And respected him.
Haskell was successful as an arranger and producer from the late 1950’s starting out with Ricky Nelson to working with artists such as Sheryl Crow. His impressive credits include work with Steely Dan, Barbra Streisand, Blondie, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, Simon & Garfunkel (a Grammy for “Bridge Over Troubled Water”), The Bee Gees, Chicago (another Grammy for “If You Leave Me Now”), Bobbie Gentry (yet another Grammy for “Ballad of Billie Jo”), Bobby Darin, Crosby Stills & Nash, The Doobie Brothers, Jose Feliciano, Laura Nyro, Gladys Knight, Barry Manilow and Michael Jackson. The stats: Grammy Awards (3), Emmy Awards (1 and 4 nominations), composer for 31 feature films, 32 TV movies and 445 TV episodes. Arranger and/or producer for more than 132 gold and platinum hits.
This 2nd Part continues talking about Bobbie Gentry and moves on to stories about Barry Manilow and Burt Bacharach. Haskell explains how his professional attitude and deep musicality enabled him to work on virtually any kind of music. As Arif Mardin told me, “If you’re looking for craft, you have to look to Jimmie Haskell.”
This is killer stuff and you only get this with Radio Richard.
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#jimmiehaskell #richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #arranger #producer #rickynelson #sherylcrow #steelydan #barbrastreisand #blondie #elvis #elvispresley #tinaturner #simonandgarfunkel #thebeegees #chicago #bobbygentry #barrymanilow #burtbacharach #interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©Niles Smiles Music 2021 sung by Free Play Duo. End music ©Niles Smiles Music 2021

Wednesday May 05, 2021
JIMMIE HASKELL Interview - Part 1
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
I’ve never met anyone who I instantly liked as much as Jimmie Haskell. You can tell from the way we’re joking around in this 2002 interview that there was an instant rapport. In my book, “The Invisible Artist” I refer to his “gentle, understated sense of humor”. I ‘got’ him and he liked that I ‘got’ him. And respected him.
Haskell was successful as an arranger and producer from the late 1950’s starting out with Ricky Nelson to working with artists such as Sheryl Crow. His impressive credits include work with Steely Dan, Barbra Streisand, Blondie, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, Simon & Garfunkel (a Grammy for “Bridge Over Troubled Water”), The Bee Gees, Chicago (another Grammy for “If You Leave Me Now”), Bobbie Gentry (yet another Grammy for “Ballad of Billie Jo”), Bobby Darin, Crosby Stills & Nash, The Doobie Brothers, Jose Feliciano, Laura Nyro, Gladys Knight, Barry Manilow and Michael Jackson. The stats: Grammy Awards (3), Emmy Awards (1 and 4 nominations), composer for 31 feature films, 32 TV movies and 445 TV episodes. Arranger and/or producer for more than 132 gold and platinum hits.
The 2nd Part continues talking about Bobbie Gentry and moves on to stories about Barry Manilow and Burt Bacharach. Haskell explains how his professional attitude and deep musicality enabled him to work on virtually any kind of music. As Arif Mardin told me, “If you’re looking for craft, you have to look to Jimmie Haskell.”
This is killer stuff and you only get this with Radio Richard.
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#jimmiehaskell #richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #arranger #producer #rickynelson #sherylcrow #steelydan #barbrastreisand #blondie #elvis #elvispresley #tinaturner #simonandgarfunkel #thebeegees #chicago #interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©Niles Smiles Music 2021 sung by Free Play Duo. End music ©Niles Smiles Music 2021

Sunday May 02, 2021
History of Pop Arranging – Part 3
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
RR listeners will have heard interviews with Jerry Wexler and Arif Mardin and David Van De Pitte. But here’s part 3 of my BBC series on the contribution of arrangers, to Motown, Stax, Muscle Shoals and more, putting it all in context. With excerpts of some great music the publishers will try to cut out! Listen, enjoy, subscribe. Part 4 next week!
This is killer stuff and you only get this with Radio Richard.
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#richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #pop #poparrangers #arranger #interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
A masterclass with acclaimed artist, ‘Snake’ Davis. He’s been a featured sax soloist with Ray Charles, Tom Jones, George Michael, M People, Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, Swing Out Sister Clive Griffin and the Pet Shop Boys. I’ve worked with him on many projects since 1987 when he joined BANDZILLA. He has had a constant solo career with his many bands and his “Classic Sax Solos” project. Snake talks about how he developed his uniquely ‘slithering’ trademark saxophone sound in this warm interview between two old friends and colleagues. More info at https://snakedavis.com/
This is killer stuff and you only get this with Radio Richard.
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#snakedavis #richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #sax #saxsessionist #bandzilla #raycharles #tomjones #georgemichael #paulmccartney #tinaturner #swingoutsister #petshopboys #mpeople #jazz interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©Niles Smiles Music 2021 sung by Free Play Duo.

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
JERRY WEXLER Interview - Part 3
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Co-Founder of Atlantic Records. Producer of Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Dusty Springfield, Etta James, Sam & Dave, Dire Straits and Bob Dylan. Inventor of the term ‘Rhythm & Blues’. New York. Memphis. Muscle Shoals. I interviewed Wexler in 2003 for my BBC documentary series “Richard Niles’ History of Pop Arranging” and for my book “The Invisible Artist” (2009). This interview is not only historically important. Wexler enabled and encouraged some of the greatest artists to create their best work. It allows you to hear the thoughts of someone whose unique combination of intellect, soul and humanity made him one of the greatest contributors to the art of music. In Part 1 Wexler talks about his work with Ray Charles, Wilson Pickett, Doctor John, and Harold Battiste. Don’t miss Part 2 where Wexler discusses his work at Stax Records with Aretha Franklin and Dylan at Muscle Shoals and Part 3 where he talks about Dusty Springfield in Memphis. Wexler also takes us into his private office at his home in Long Island.
Only Radio Richard can give you such amazing content! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and donate to our podcast.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DRRICHARDNILES?sub_confirmation=1
Podcast: https://radiorichard.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radiorichard2021
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#jerrywexler #richardniles #radiorichard #atlanticrecords #raycharles #arethafranklin #wilsonpickett #otisredding #dustyspringfield #ettajames #direstraits #bobdylan #podcast #interviews #music #musicresearch #musiceducation #artistdevelopment #composition #performance #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©Niles Smiles Music 2021 sung by Free Play Duo.

Saturday Apr 24, 2021
JERRY WEXLER Interview - Part 2
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Co-Founder of Atlantic Records. Producer of Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Dusty Springfield, Etta James, Sam & Dave, Dire Straits and Bob Dylan. Inventor of the term ‘Rhythm & Blues’. New York. Memphis. Muscle Shoals. I interviewed Wexler in 2003 for my BBC documentary series “Richard Niles’ History of Pop Arranging” and for my book “The Invisible Artist” (2009). This interview is not only historically important. Wexler enabled and encouraged some of the greatest artists to create their best work. It allows you to hear the thoughts of someone whose unique combination of intellect, soul and humanity made him one of the greatest contributors to the art of music. In Part 1 Wexler talks about his work with Ray Charles, Wilson Pickett, Doctor John, and Harold Battiste. Don’t miss Part 2 where Wexler discusses his work at Stax Records with Aretha Franklin and Dylan at Muscle Shoals and Part 3 where he talks about Dusty Springfield in Memphis. Wexler also takes us into his private office at his home in Long Island. Only Radio Richard can give you such amazing content! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and donate to our podcast.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DRRICHARDNILES?sub_confirmation=1
Podcast: https://radiorichard.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radiorichard2021
Twitter: https://twitter.com/radiorichard3
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/radiorichard
#jerrywexler #richardniles #radiorichard #atlanticrecords #raycharles #arethafranklin #wilsonpickett #otisredding #dustyspringfield #ettajames #direstraits #bobdylan #podcast #interviews #music #musicresearch #musiceducation #artistdevelopment #composition #performance #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©Niles Smiles Music 2021 sung by Free Play Duo.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
JERRY WEXLER Interview - Part 1
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Co-Founder of Atlantic Records. Producer of Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Dusty Springfield, Etta James, Sam & Dave, Dire Straits and Bob Dylan. Inventor of the term ‘Rhythm & Blues’. New York. Memphis. Muscle Shoals. I interviewed Wexler in 2003 for my BBC documentary series “Richard Niles’ History of Pop Arranging” and for my book “The Invisible Artist” (2009). This interview is not only historically important. Wexler enabled and encouraged some of the greatest artists to create their best work. It allows you to hear the thoughts of someone whose unique combination of intellect, soul and humanity made him one of the greatest contributors to the art of music. In Part 1 Wexler talks about his work with Ray Charles, Wilson Pickett, Doctor John, and Harold Battiste. Don’t miss Part 2 where Wexler discusses his work at Stax Records with Aretha Franklin and Dylan at Muscle Shoals and Part 3 where he talks about Dusty Springfield in Memphis. Wexler also takes us into his private office at his home in Long Island. Only Radio Richard can give you such amazing content! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and donate to our podcast.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DRRICHARDNILES?sub_confirmation=1
Podcast: https://radiorichard.podbean.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radiorichard2021
Twitter: https://twitter.com/radiorichard3
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/radiorichard
#jerrywexler #richardniles #radiorichard #atlanticrecords #raycharles #wilsonpickett #doctorjohn #haroldbattiste #podcast #interviews #music #musicresearch #musiceducation #artistdevelopment #composition #performance #podbean #educational
Radio Richard Theme ©Niles Smiles Music 2021 sung by Free Play Duo.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
“What’s Going On?” I’ll tell you: A rare and historically significant interview with legendary Motown arranger DAVID VAN DePITTE recorded for my BBC Radio 2 documentary series in 2002. Best known for his work on one of the most critically acclaimed albums of all time, Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On?”, Van DePitte’s contribution is significant. I am not aware of any other pop arrangement that uses a non-stop counter melody in this way, giving the song a feeling of sophistication, depth and gravitas it would otherwise have lacked. He also worked on many records for Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson, the Four Tops, Funkadelic and Gladys Knight. Our interview allows us a rare view from the ‘shop floor’ of Motown’s production line, working with Gay, Berry Gordy, producers such as Frank Wilson and musicians such as his friend James Jamerson. No one with soul will want to miss this!
This is killer stuff and you only get this with Radio Richard.
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#davidvandepitte #richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #marvingaye #topofthepops #producer #dianaross #funkadelic #smokeyrobinson #thefourtops #gladysknight #arranger #interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational
“Radio Richard Sting” ©2021 Niles Smiles Music (BMI) sung by Free Play Duo, Dylan Bell & Suba Sankaran

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
FREE PLAY DUO go to Miami (Bonus Live Tune!!!)
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Dylan Bell and Suba Sankaran are acclaimed leaders in the a cappella vocal world, as well as being talented composers, arrangers and multi-instrumentalists. Here is the special bonus tune where they create what you could call a sound machine reminiscent of Miami!!!
Enjoy! Have some salsa!
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#freeplayduo #richardniles #radiorichard #musicinterviews #dylanbell #subasankaran #acapella #acapellavocals #miamisoundmachine #covers #composer #arranger #multiinstrumentalist #interviews #podcasts #music #podcasting #podbean #educational